About me

Victoria Fedorova, architect and interior designer.




Master's Degree in Advanced Architecture

Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia



Bachelor's Degree in Architecture

Moscow Architecture Institute (2014-2019)


Personal statement

Recent research in circular materials, design for disassembly, and parametric design made me discover a lot more possibilities for a sustainable approach to architecture. I am passionate about building an environment that would be both aesthetically and environmentally efficient.

The Master's program at IAAC has shaped my approach toward architecture. I believe that today, with the number of technologies and generative tools available, we are capable of designing a system, not a building. Which can not only optimize the design process but also fit in circular economy principles.




Vertico | Feb. 2024 - now

3d modeling for 3d concrete printing, social media developer

Designer and Marketing manager


Self-employed | Aug. 2022 - now

Completed one private house and 5 interior design projects from start to finish. 



Aedas Dubai | Aug. 2021 - July 2022 
Parametric design/ Presentations/ 3D Modeling/ Site analysis  
Junior Architect


Moscow Metro | Nov. 2017 - Sep. 2020

Subway, stations, underground passways, vent shaft designs/ 3D Modeling/ Visualization



HEADS GROUP | Okt. 2019 - Dec. 2019

Interior design/ Technical drawings



ATRIUM | July 2017 - Aug. 2017

3D modeling/ Visualization/ Presentations

Intern Architect



Tamayoz International Graduation Project Award




MArchI Gold medal

2nd Place



Toronto affordable housing
